My goodbye to our wonderful readers

Martin Arriaga
Don’t Stop Believin’ in Journalism
1 min readMar 7, 2021


Throughout this quarter this blog has helped me put into practice all that we learned about being successful journalists. Looking back, I can see how I learned about writing an effective lead to a story, writing in the inverted pyramid style and many more skills. A major skill that I learned this quarter is how to properly attribute both in writing and with photos. Pitching stories is a skill that can be used during interviews in order to pitch your skills and what you can bring to a company. The writing skills learned will help me in all my future classes as many of the skills are not specifically only used by journalists. Although I do not plan to pursue a career in journalism, the skills I learned in this class can easily be transferred to other fields of work. Overall, writing for this blog has only enhanced my learning and I am sad that it has come to an end, but am also looking forward to what is ahead. Thank you and goodbye!

Child waves goodbye. Photo by Scott Johnston.

